Thursday, 29 November 2018

Bauhaus - my assignment journey

So the latest assignment for my course was to create an ad for Myer's 5 day sale at their City Store.  I had already based my research for this section of my course around the Bauhaus movement (1919 - 1933 in Germany).  Partly because I've been to the Bauhaus Archive in Berlin, and partly because I like their central theme that form follows function.


I find that this central theme is really applicable to today's web design and development.  In essence, I equate it to Usability.  So while I'm not a fan of the period's architecture, or other outputs, I am a fan of the idea behind it.

So, back to my assignment.  I researched posters of the time, and with those in mind I created my first iteration:

A chunky bold 5 in the top corner over a muted red circle. The words day sale and city store at angles. The Myer logo at the bottom in a yellow triangle. All over a cream background.
I was lucky enough to have a designer-friend who is interested in Bauhaus to review my design.  He reviewed my design and came up with a couple of really interesting comments.


First of all, I'd used a cream background and muted colours.  He questioned why and then realised I'd been looking at the posters from the time for my inspiration.  He pointed out that the posters are old and the colours have faded, the paper aged.  I felt a bit silly at that point - it was a 'doh!' moment.  He suggested 'punchier primaries'.


So I knew that Bauhaus introduced the grid, and I also knew they were into their angles, but somehow I didn't marry those two things together.  He pointed out that the lines should be at right angles to eachother - that although it was angled, the grid is still important.  Another 'doh!' moment.  Of course, the grid should be rotated by 45degs to cope.  Of course.

So after those comments I had another pass and came up with:

A large 5 at 45 degree angle to the page, with the words day sale and city store at angles. The Myer logo is at the bottom in a yellow triangle.
I'm still using the P22 Bayer Universal font.  But the grid is a strong 45degrees, the background is white, the colours are strong.

I like that I've got a bit of Mondrian going on (I love his work) and I feel that this design is a lot clearer than my first iteration.

To be honest, I really could've spent so much more time on it.  But I guess another thing I'm learning is that I have to say 'enough' to myself and submit.  Otherwise I'd probably still be tinkering with it!

Thursday, 15 November 2018

The Bauhaus Movement - collated research

I'm currently writing an essay for my course on the Bauhaus movement.  I did a ton of research and thought I'd share my collection of links:

Background information

Wikipedia’s article on Bauhaus was a great starting point:

The Art Story was a great source of background information, plus links to other articles:

The Bauhaus Museum website provided information about what was taught at the Bauhaus school:

The Tate has some general information about Bauhaus:


Zillion Designs produced a great video on the essentials of Bauhaus:

The ABCs of the Bauhaus was a good introduction using the shapes and images of the movement:

Bauhaus: the Face of the 20th Century is a longer video about Bauhaus:

Graphic Design

The GreenGinger article ‘Why is Bauhaus still so influential today’ provided background information on the movement and how it influenced Graphic Design today:

DesignLab outlined lessons for today’s designers about Bauhaus and why the web is still Bauhaus:


Digital Arts was an introduction to Adobe’s free Bauhaus fonts:

Looking further into Bayer and his fonts led me to the New York Times article:

Influential artists

99Designs was good for information about the influential artists in the Bauhaus movement:

AIGA was good for examples of Bauhaus design:

Art work

My Modern Met showed how the avant-garde movement transformed modern art along with the history of the Bauhaus movement:

Smashing Magazine is a great collection of Bauhaus artwork:

I really like Piet Mondrian’s work, and looked into his influence on the Bauhaus movement.  The Art Story was a good resource for information that ultimately led me to conclude he wasn’t a key figure in the Bauhaus: